
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, doughter, from Old English dohtor; akin to Old High German tohter daughter, Greek thygatēr Date: before 12th century 1. a. a female offspring especially of human parents b. a female adopted child c. a human female descendant 2. something considered as a daughter <
the United States is a daughter of Great Britain
3. an atomic species that is the product of the radioactive decay of a given elementdaughterless adjective II. adjective Date: 1614 1. having the characteristics or relationship of a daughter 2. belonging to the first generation of offspring, organelles, or molecules produced by reproduction, division, or replication <
daughter cell
daughter DNA molecules

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Daughter — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Daughter» Sencillo de Pearl Jam del álbum Vs. Lado B « Blood (En vivo), Yellow Ledbetter (En vivo)» Publicación …   Wikipedia Español

  • Daughter — Daugh ter, n.; pl. {Daughters}; obs. pl. {Daughtren}. [OE. doughter, doghter, dohter, AS. dohtor, dohter; akin to OS. dohtar, D. dochter, G. tochter, Icel. d[=o]ttir, Sw. dotter, Dan. dotter, datter, Goth. da[ u]htar,, OSlav. d[u^]shti, Russ.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • daughter — [dôt′ər] n. [ME doughter < OE dohtor, akin to Goth dauhtar, Ger tochter < IE base * dhugheter > Sans duhitár, Gr thugatēr] 1. a girl or woman as she is related to either or both parents: sometimes also used of animals 2. a female… …   English World dictionary

  • daughter — O.E. dohtor, from P.Gmc. *dochter, earlier *dhukter (Cf. O.S. dohtar, O.N. dottir, O.Fris., Du. dochter, Ger. Tochter, Goth. dauhtar), from PIE *dhugheter (Cf. Skt. duhitar , Avestan dugeda , Armenian dustr, O.C.S. duЕЎti …   Etymology dictionary

  • daughter — index child Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • daughter — [n] female child female offspring, girl, offspring, woman; concepts 415,424 …   New thesaurus

  • daughter — ► NOUN 1) a girl or woman in relation to her parents. 2) a female descendant. DERIVATIVES daughterly adjective. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • daughter —    Anita Brookner, in Family and Friends, has: ‘“Daughter!” cries Sofka, in a loud voice which startles them both, as does the archaic use of the word.’ It is the vocative use of the word which is archaic, of course, though it is still to be… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • daughter — n. 1) to adopt a daughter 2) to marry off a daughter 3) an only daughter 4) an adopted; foster daughter; stepdaughter 5) a daughter to (she was like a daughter to me) * * * [ dɔːtə] foster daughter stepdaughter an adopted an only daughter to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Daughter — For other uses, see Daughter (disambiguation). Four generations of mothers and daughters, 1931. A daughter is a female offspring; a girl, woman, or female animal in relation to her parents. The male equivalent is a son. Analogously the name is… …   Wikipedia

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