
I. adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary end- + Greek krinein to separatemore at certain Date: 1914 1. secreting internally; specifically producing secretions that are distributed in the body by way of the bloodstream <
hormones produced by the endocrine system
2. of, relating to, affecting, or resembling an endocrine gland or secretion <
endocrine tumors
II. noun Date: 1922 1. hormone 1 2. endocrine gland

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • endocrine — [ ɑ̃dɔkrin ] adj. • 1919; de endo et gr. krinein « sécréter » ♦ Glandes endocrines : glandes à sécrétion interne, dont les produits (hormones) sont déversés directement dans le sang et la lymphe (opposé à exocrine). ● endocrine adjectif Se dit… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • endocrine — (adj.) secretly, internally, 1914, from ENDO (Cf. endo ) + krinein to separate, distinguish (see CRISIS (Cf. crisis)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • endocrine — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a gland) secreting hormones or other products directly into the blood. ORIGIN from Greek krinein sift …   English terms dictionary

  • endocrine — [en′dō krin΄, en′dōkrīn΄, en′dōkrēn΄; en′dəkrin΄, en′dəkrīn΄, en′dəkrēn΄] adj. [ ENDO + Gr krinein, to separate: see CRISIS] 1. designating or of any gland producing one or more hormones 2. designating or of such a hormone n. any such gland or… …   English World dictionary

  • Endocrine — Glande endocrine Appareil Endocrinien Une glande endocrine est un organe interne (une glande) qui sécrète des hormones dans la circulation sanguine, lesquelles exercent alors leur action spécifique sur des organes ou des cellules cibles distants …   Wikipédia en Français

  • endocrine — 1. Secreting internally, most commonly into the systemic circulation; of or pertaining to such secretion. Cf.:paracrine. 2. The internal or hormonal secretion of a ductless gland. 3. Denoting a gland that furnishes an internal …   Medical dictionary

  • endocrine — 1. adjective /ˈɛnd.oʊ.krɪn/ a) Producing internal secretions that are transported around the body by the bloodstream. b) Pertaining to the endocrine glands or their secretions. 2. noun /ˈɛnd.oʊ.krɪn/ a) The secretion of an endocrine gland. b) An …   Wiktionary

  • endocrine — /ˈɛndəkrən / (say enduhkruhn), / krin/ (say kreen), / kraɪn/ (say kruyn) noun 1. an endocrine gland or organ. –adjective 2. of or relating to the endocrine glands or their secretions: endocrine function. {endo + Greek krinein separate}… …  

  • endocrine — /en deuh krin, kruyn , kreen /, Anat., Physiol. adj. Also, endocrinal /en deuh kruyn l, kreen l/, endocrinic /en deuh krin ik/, endocrinous. 1. secreting internally into the blood or lymph. 2. of or pertaining to an endocrine gland or its… …   Universalium

  • endocrine — en•do•crine [[t]ˈɛn də krɪn, ˌkraɪn, ˌkrin[/t]] adj. Also, en•do•cri•nal [[t]ˌɛn dəˈkraɪn l, ˈkrin l[/t]] 1) anat. phl secreting internally into the blood or lymph 2) anat. phl of or pertaining to an endocrine gland or its secretion 3) anat. phl… …   From formal English to slang

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