
I. noun Date: 13th century 1. a member of the household of a high official 2. one that is familiar; especially an intimate associate ; companion 3. a spirit often embodied in an animal and held to attend and serve or guard a person 4. a. one who is well acquainted with something b. one who frequents a place II. adjective Etymology: Middle English familier, from Anglo-French, from Latin familiaris, from familia Date: 14th century 1. closely acquainted ; intimate <
a familiar family friend
2. obsolete affable, sociable 3. a. of or relating to a family <
remembering past familiar celebrations
b. frequented by families <
a familiar resort
4. a. being free and easy <
the familiar association of old friends
b. marked by informality <
a familiar essay
c. overly free and unrestrained ; presumptuous <
grossly familiar behavior
d. moderately tame <
familiar animals
5. a. frequently seen or experienced ; easily recognized <
a familiar theme
b. of everyday occurrence <
a familiar routine
c. possibly known but imperfectly remembered <
her face looked familiar
6. having personal or intimate knowledgeused with with <
familiar with the facts of the case
Synonyms: see commonfamiliarly adverbfamiliarness noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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