
I. adjective Etymology: Middle English reguler, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin regularis regular, from Latin, of a bar, from regula rulemore at rule Date: 14th century 1. belonging to a religious order 2. a. formed, built, arranged, or ordered according to some established rule, law, principle, or type b. (1) both equilateral and equiangular <
a regular polygon
(2) having faces that are congruent regular polygons and all the polyhedral angles congruent <
a regular polyhedron
c. of a flower having the arrangement of floral parts exhibiting radial symmetry with members of the same whorl similar in form 3. a. orderly, methodical <
regular habits
b. recurring, attending, or functioning at fixed, uniform, or normal intervals <
a regular income
a regular churchgoer
regular bowel movements
4. a. constituted, conducted, scheduled, or done in conformity with established or prescribed usages, rules, or discipline b. normal, standard: as (1) absolute, complete <
a regular fool
the office seemed like a regular madhouse
(2) thinking or behaving in an acceptable, normal, or agreeable manner <
was a regular guy
c. (1) conforming to the normal or usual manner of inflection (2) weak 7 d. of a postage stamp issued in large numbers over a long period for general use in prepayment of postage 5. of, relating to, or constituting the permanent standing military force of a state <
the regular army
regular soldiers
Synonyms: regular, normal, typical, natural mean being of the sort or kind that is expected as usual, ordinary, or average. regular stresses conformity to a rule, standard, or pattern <
the club's regular monthly meeting
. normal implies lack of deviation from what has been discovered or established as the most usual or expected <
normal behavior for a two-year-old
. typical implies showing all important traits of a type, class, or group and may suggest lack of strong individuality <
a typical small town
. natural applies to what conforms to a thing's essential nature, function, or mode of being <
the natural love of a mother for her child
. II. noun Date: 15th century 1. one who is regular: as a. one of the regular clergy b. a soldier in a regular army c. one who can be trusted or depended on <
a party regular
d. a player on an athletic team who usually starts every game e. one who is usually present or participating; especially a long-standing regular customer 2. something of average or medium size; especially a clothing size designed to fit a person of average height

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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