
adjective (carefuller; carefullest) Date: before 12th century 1. archaic a. solicitous, anxious b. filling with care or solicitude 2. exercising or taking care 3. a. marked by attentive concern and solicitude b. marked by wary caution or prudence <
be very careful with knives
c. marked by painstaking effort to avoid errors or omissionsoften used with of or an infinitive <
careful of money
careful to adjust the machine
carefully adverbcarefulness noun Synonyms: careful, meticulous, scrupulous, punctilious mean showing close attention to detail. careful implies attentiveness and cautiousness in avoiding mistakes <
a careful worker
. meticulous may imply either commendable extreme carefulness or a hampering finicky caution over small points <
meticulous scholarship
. scrupulous applies to what is proper or fitting or ethical <
scrupulous honesty
. punctilious implies minute, even excessive attention to fine points <
punctilious observance of ritual

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • careful — 1 solicitous, anxious, worried, concerned (see under CARE n) Analogous words: disquieted, perturbed, discomposed, disturbed, upset (see DISCOMPOSE): troubled, distressed (see TROUBLE vb): *watchful, vigilant, alert 2 Careful, meticulous,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Careful — Care ful (k[^a]r f[.u]l), a. [AS. cearful.] 1. Full of care; anxious; solicitous. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] Be careful [Rev. Ver. anxious ] for nothing. Phil. iv. 6. [1913 Webster] The careful plowman doubting stands. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • careful — [ker′fəl] adj. [ME & OE: see CARE & FUL] 1. acting or working in a thoughtful, painstaking way 2. cautious, wary, or guarded [a careful reply] 3. accurately or thoroughly done or made; painstaking [a careful analysis] 4 …   English World dictionary

  • Careful — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Careful» Sencillo de Paramore del álbum Brand New Eyes Género(s) Punk pop y Rock Alternativo Duración 3:51 …   Wikipedia Español

  • careful — I adjective accuratus, alert, attentive, attentus, cautious, circumspect, concerned, diligens, discreet, foresighted, guarded, heedful, judicious, meticulous, mindful, on one s guard, on the alert, overcautious, painstaking, precautious,… …   Law dictionary

  • careful — ► ADJECTIVE 1) taking care to avoid mishap or harm; cautious. 2) (careful with) prudent in the use of. 3) done with or showing thought and attention. DERIVATIVES carefully adverb carefulness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • careful — O.E. cearful mournful, sad, also full of care or woe; anxious; full of concern (for someone or something), thus applying attention, painstaking, circumspect; from CARE (Cf. care) (n.) + FUL (Cf. ful). Related: Carefully (O.E. carful lice) …   Etymology dictionary

  • careful — [adj] cautious; painstaking accurate, alert, apprehensive, assiduous, attentive, chary, choosy, circumspect, concerned, conscientious, conservative, cool, deliberate, discreet, exacting, fastidious, finicky, fussy, going to great lengths*,… …   New thesaurus

  • careful */*/*/ — UK [ˈkeə(r)f(ə)l] / US [ˈkerf(ə)l] adjective 1) if someone is careful, they think about what they are doing so that they do not do anything wrong or so that they avoid problems Teachers have to be careful when criticizing pupils. Even the most… …   English dictionary

  • careful — care|ful [ kerfl ] adjective *** 1. ) if someone is careful, they think about what they are doing so that they do not do anything wrong or so that they avoid problems: Teachers have to be careful when criticizing pupils. Even the most careful… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • careful — care|ful W2S1 [ˈkeəfəl US ˈker ] adj 1.) (be) careful! spoken used to tell someone to think about what they are doing so that something bad does not happen ▪ Be careful there s broken glass on the floor! 2.) trying very hard to avoid doing… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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