
noun Etymology: New Latin, from Greek ekzema, from ekzein to erupt, from ex- out + zein to boil — more at ex-, yeast Date: circa 1753 an inflammatory condition of the skin characterized by redness, itching, and oozing vesicular lesions which become scaly, crusted, or hardened • eczematous adjective

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Eczema — (skin disorder) Classification and external resources Typical, mild dermatitis ICD 10 L20 L …   Wikipedia

  • ECZÉMA — Morphologiquement, l’eczéma est caractérisé par une vésiculette résultant d’une «spongiose» de l’épiderme. Elle survient sur un placard érythémato chagriné qui la précède, est suivie d’un suintement, puis d’une desquamation et, enfin, d’un stade… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • eczemă — ECZÉMĂ, eczeme, s.f. Boală de piele, acută sau cronică, de natură infecţioasă sau alergică, caracterizată prin erupţii, abcese, leziuni umede sau uscate (însoţite de mâncărimi intense). – Din fr. eczéma. Trimis de LauraGellner, 10.06.2004. Sursa …   Dicționar Român

  • eczema — m. dermat. Afección inflamatoria aguda o crónica de la piel caracterizada por la aparición de placas rojas algo sobreelevadas y que producen picor; en ellas se suelen desarrollar pequeñas ampollas que al romperse fácilmente forman costras… …   Diccionario médico

  • Eczema — Ec ze*ma, n. [NL., fr. Gr. e kzema; ek out + zei^n to boil.] (Med.) An inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by the presence of redness and itching, an eruption of small vesicles, and the discharge of a watery exudation, which often… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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