- analytic
- or analytical
Etymology: Late Latin analyticus, from Greek analytikos, from analyein
Date: 1601
1. of or relating to analysis or analytics; especially separating something into component parts or constituent elements
2. being a proposition (as “no bachelor is married”) whose truth is evident from the meaning of the words it contains — compare synthetic
3. skilled in or using analysis especially in thinking or reasoning <a keenly analytic person> 4. characterized by analysis rather than inflection <analytic languages> 5. psychoanalytic 6. treated or treatable by or using the methods of algebra and calculus 7. a. of a function of a real variable capable of being expanded in a Taylor's series in powers of x - h in some neighborhood of the point h b. of a function of a complex variable differentiable at every point in some neighborhood of a given point • analytically adverb • analyticity noun
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.