
noun Date: circa 1658 the action or process of deteriorating ; the state of having deteriorated Synonyms: deterioration, degeneration, decadence, decline mean the falling from a higher to a lower level in quality, character, or vitality. deterioration implies generally the impairment of value or usefulness <
the deterioration of the house through neglect
. degeneration stresses physical, intellectual, or especially moral retrogression <
the degeneration of their youthful idealism into cynicism
. decadence presupposes a reaching and passing the peak of development and implies a turn downward with a consequent loss in vitality or energy <
cited love of luxury as a sign of cultural decadence
. decline differs from decadence in suggesting a more markedly downward direction and greater momentum as well as more obvious evidence of deterioration <
the meteoric decline of his career after the scandal

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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